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Emergency housing in Moranbah


Housing support program to assist individuals and families access safe housing.

How we help Every body deserve a home! 

The reasons for homelessness and housing insecurities are varied and complex—including mental illness, domestic violence, relationship breakdowns, debt, substance abuse, housing affordability, loss of income and more.

Our Housing Team can help assist those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, through Centre Based Supports &/or through the 12-week Crisis Housing Program, to secure long term housing. 


Crisis housing 

We assist the most venerable member of our community to have access to address the complex issues surrounding homelessness and or risk of homelessness. This is done through supports, advocacy, case management, information and referrals.

Case management

It can be difficult to address complex situations when you are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. Therefore we address housing first, Eligible clients are provided with a safe and secure crisis accommodation with in a 12-week program. The 12-week program is aimed at securing long-term housing and  independence.  

Accessing long term housing 

Emergency housing Moranbah

Our team will assist you with Sustaining and/or Gaining Long-term accommodation. Long-term housing includes: Private rentals, Department of housing/social housing, IRAS/NRAS housing, or shared accommodation. 

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